Since we did not find any car to take our banana boxes back home, we started the day selling our stuff on the market (tools, car parts, GPS, CB radio, lots of things not fitting into the 20kg limit of Royal Air Maroc). It was funny to stand “on the other side”, but bargaining in parallel with 20 people about 100 different package prices and barter deals (for the tow rope plus the tire repair set I want to give you a neklace, plus a wooden hippo, plus 1000CFA, but only if you buy me a Coke on top). It was a funny but exhausting morning and sorry, we did not have time to take pictures.
Then we relaxed at the grand market of Bamako (watching only instead of selling or buying), here are some impressions:

In the afternoon, with a heavy heart, we had to say goodbye to the Beast. We went to MHOP again, left the last unsellable items with them (two mosquito nets, 3 rolls of toilet paper, some pens, a torch) and handed over the keys to Anna Ninan and Adama Kouyate, the local program manager:

It was a sad but rewarding moment at the same time. May the Beast have a long second life in Africa and help MHOP to improve healthcare in Bamako!

Now we are waiting in the hall of the hotel for our shuttle to the airport, chasing mosquitoes (we have not seen mosquitoes at all until now, but here, in the air conditioned hall of a 5 star hotel, you could make a filling dinner out of them).
It is really sad, one of your best friend and your home in the last 16 days left in Mali. The only medicine against this separation to visit Beast in 2012.