Beach party canceled :-(

We wanted to hire a boat and go to one of the islands of Guinea Bissau today but prices were too high. Our best offer for a one day trip was 450.000 CFA, around 700 EUR, far beyond our budget. The islands are around 100km away, but still 700EUR is heavily overpriced. Or our bargaining skills are too limited. Or both.

Searching for a boat in the harbor of Bissau

We are hanging out at the hotel pool instead, drinking beer, and waiting for the temperature to fall before we go to the city again.

There are still a lot of teams trying to sell their car, or even worse,  waiting for the money for an already sold one. The whole country seems to have run out of money.

Car “market” in front of a hangar with old Soviet aircraft wrecks.  Police and army are expelling all potential buyers in order to make good bargains themselves.

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