No, we haven’t arrived yet, but Laci is driving with Lackó navigating, and I have time to summarize the first day of a two day marathon stage.
We spent the night at Borj Biramane in Icht, I still rembered the place from our visit in 2013, and again it was very nice with showers and toilets (and a restaurant for all those arriving in time).

We atarted the day with a long offroad section in the desert, which is flat and rocky here. We had to find a well and measure it’s diameter

the size of a tire

and ice cold beer

which turned out to be far away.
You can easily do a 100km/h here, but it is equally easy to roll over the car if you miss a ditch or turn the steering wheel abruptly.
After the bumpy stones the perfectly flat surface of a dry salt lake was a welcome change and we enjoyed driving there a lot.

That was the last one of the offroad sections in Morocco, in Western Sahara the Moroccan army does not allow us to leave the tarmac road anymore.
We are now heading to Boujdour and plan to have dinner there (something real, not just bread and liver spread with water), and will probably continue to Dakhla and finish the two day stage early in the morning already.