We are 4 now!

A few days ago Michal found a post on Facebook from somebody looking for a seat to Bissau. I don’t know if we were the quickest to react, perhaps the only one, or just the most convincing.Anyway, after a short chat on Skype now we are 4.
Craig is not a mechanic, he does not speak French, but he loves adventure. A perfect match. Don’t be scared by the grim-faced person on the left, he’s a nice guy 😉
Craig has set up another fund-raising homepage for us and started his own blog about the rally: www.thiscouldendbadly.com.  We all hope the title of his page will not become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Welcome to the team Craig!

A HUGE thank you to our main sponsor Sandoz!

Like in 2011, Sandoz Austria, the generic pharmaceuticals divison of Novartis bacame our main sponsor again. 30 boxes with a total weight of more than 100kg and with more than 50,000 pills (mainly antibiotics, but also painkillers etc.) are waiting to be transported to Mali.


Activated GMPRS on our sat phone

Just upgraded our sat phone to high speed data. I am sending this post at the incredible speed of 60 kilobits per second instead of 9.6 kbit/s. Remember how it was to browse the Internet 10 years ago? Its the same feeling. Just more expensive 😉

This will cost something like 3 Euros and moreover I have to stand outside at -2 °C in snowfall (while inside the house it is warm and there is a 10Mbps Internet connection).

To keep you up to date we spare neither trouble  nor expense 😉

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