Results of the 2nd planning workshop

  • Vladivostok is not going to happen, too far away for 5 weeks. We are planning to finish in Ulan Ude and to fly back from there.
  • We have a long list of sights to visit, agreed to do sightseeing during the day and to drive during the night
  • For 5 of the 13 countries along the route we have to obtain visas and permits in advance, Iran being the most difficult one.
  • Janos’ daughter is interested in joining for the 2nd half of the trip
  • In Tajikistan we are planning to meet a friend of mine who is driving a 30 year old Trabant to the Tokyo olympics. On the way back he could pick up our car in Ulan Ude and drive it back home to Vienna.
  • Estimated cost of the whole trip: 3,500.- EUR per person. Of course not including car repairs 😉

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