Destination reached!
… at least the continent, Asia. We have just crossed the bridge across the Bosporus in Istanbul and are in Asia already.

We celebrated the arrival with a nice dinner (for me) and some vegan stuff for my friends.

… at least the continent, Asia. We have just crossed the bridge across the Bosporus in Istanbul and are in Asia already.
We celebrated the arrival with a nice dinner (for me) and some vegan stuff for my friends.
The Mitsubishi Delica we are driving originally had invalid UK license plates which I swapped for Hungarian export plates. What I did not know is that Serbia does not allow auch cars anymore to pass, we would have to pay 250 Euros and allow a Serbian customs officer to sit in our car and to escort us to the Bulgarian border.
Now we are heading to Romania to bypass Serbia and to save the money for something more enjoyable.